Specialized assistance in all branches of civil law

In Civil Law, the Firm provides specialized legal assistance in the pre-litigation and litigation phases in the following areas:

The Vitucci Law Firm offers consultancy and assistance in matters relating to family, separation and divorce, civil unions, changes in conditions, filiation etc. The Firm carries out judicial and extrajudicial activities, also in the context of assisted negotiation procedures.

The Firm provides specific advice on legitimate and testamentary succession matters and consequent legal assistance for inheritance and inheritance issues:

– drafting of the declaration of succession;
– acceptance of the inheritance, acceptance with benefit of inventory;
– waiver of the inheritance;
– drafting of the will and the dispositive deeds of last will;
– drafting of the will and the dispositive deeds of last will;
– challenge of the will;
– mediation and hereditary litigation;
– hereditary division;
– donations;

The Firm provides judicial and extrajudicial assistance in actions to protect real rights and possession: property, usufruct, easement, usucapione, dissolution of communion.

The law firm offers advice on typical and atypical contracts, providing specialized assistance right from the preliminary stages of negotiation.
The firm also ensures maximum competence in the management of disputes relating to contractual matters and obligations.

TheFirm offers specialized assistance in procedures aimed at compensating financial and biological damages deriving from contractual and extra-contractual liability, also making use of expert consultants for the drafting of technical and legal advice and expert opinions.

The Firm provides specific advice and assistance in corporate and business law, to shareholders and corporate bodies, administrators and auditors, in the ordinary and extraordinary management of the company, as well as in any critical phases of the related activities.

The Firm also protects the interests of individuals and companies, managing issues relating to the recovery of credit from the out-of-court phase, by sending letters of formal notice and formal notice, to the preparation of agreements and repayment plans, up to the judicial phase, with the drafting of appeals for injunctive decree and precepts and consequent procedure of forced execution of movable or real estate.

The Firm assists its clients in interdiction, incapacitation and support administration procedures involving fragile subjects (minors, people with disabilities or cognitive pathologies) and aimed at appointing the support administrator, guardian or curator.
The firm assists its clients in every phase of the procedure and in carrying out ordinary and extraordinary administrative acts, supporting the administrator in carrying out all necessary formalities.

Studio Legale Vitucci

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